manipulative as humanly possible

let alone toxic hypersibility

The Me: You Can't See
5 min readOct 3, 2021

Written by. Oliver Schofield

“Social media platforms have given manipulative people an avenue to proclaim their love for their partners in public while being shit in private, don’t fall for the performance.”

Anyone able to run a check on who is liking and RT’ing Boris’s tweets?”

Amplifying support where it doesn’t exist is equivalent to making up opinion poll numbers, if allegation holds how to stop this misinformation campaign?’

And this is how the social media is being used against us, people need to know the manipulative depths Johnson and the Tories are going to. You still think the referendum fair and legal, think again.

Social media got people thinking being selfish and manipulative is key to happiness, then the double down is telling them to look for that in partners. Everyone gonna end up more lonely and more depressed than we already are as a society.

Main reason why I say social media is dangerous for those who don’t think for themselves or have the ablity to grasp the full context of what and why something is said.”

Media is making everything so much worse, no matter the side you’re on we mutually as people need to hold the media accountable for their manipulative actions. This country is being divided by television networks, fake articles on social media and fucking bot accounts.

Something I really want to mention because I have never seen it discussed before, is coming at public figures on social media that you don’t know with your deep issues and being manipulative also making it their responsibility.

I know this can sound like “i don’t care not my problem” but that’s not what I mean, I care about my followers.

Ask me for advice sure, message me as a friend sure but I have had people come to me saying they’re going to kill them selves and that it is on me if I do not respond.

I have had people literally say their blood is on my hands if I don’t talk to them about their problems, I know I am not the only public figure that has experienced this. I am insulted and called a selfish bitch if I tell them to speak with a professional.

Everyday it’s more clear that social media is a manipulative platform based on trends by content creators and ewww, I’m so tired of being gaslit.”

Trying to figure out why someone’s goal is getting “social media love” and what does that mean in terms of resources, safety and well-being when the term itself means absolutely nothing firm and being “liked” here is ephemeral as well as often hyperconsumptive and even manipulative.

Like how is this beneficial when behaviors of “love” and “hate” in this context manifest absolutely the same way.

What ultimate value would attention provide if that person don’t even use S&M for work, so don’t even need targeted useful visibility let alone toxic hypervisibility.

I just be wondering do people like this even think through their desires related to these space vs using people who they think (and actually are often wrong or what they’re getting is only superficially good or comes with harm too) are getting what they want as punching bags.

Social media is very manipulative, but you’ll never notice until you take a break from it then you’ll realize that there’s more to life than just

  • reading quotes
  • looking at pictures and being in someone else business
  • go out and live travel
  • explore and learn and you’ll thank me later

You guys speak of social media as if it exists in a vacuum without people, the narrative of being “desperate for social media validation” is so tired and manipulative.

Everyone yearns for validation and belonging empilweni and no one should be made to feel guilty for that. I really think it’s valid when people are upset about not being posted by a partner who posts every single thing about their life.

Granted, a conversation should be had where it’s agreed that posting isn’t important and give a valid reason to help your partner understand why.

Watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix, so honest about the manipulative nature of social media: “so, very white male and social class designed makes you think about how we’re manipulated.” — "if it’s free, you’re the product being sold.”

To it’s essence it is worrying to think about being the product of advertisers whims but thinking about the connectedness it can offer across disciplines and work is the thing that keeps many of us here I think, happy animal photos and videos don’t hurt.

Watch the film, it’s quite scary seeing happy pics actually comes at a cost to us.”

That was my takeaway having watched it and digested it for a couple of days, what they’ve uncovered is what we all know but choose to ignore to an extent, ripping ourselves from the system entirely only puts us at disadvantage in a digital world so we must engage positively.

Social capital is a disease that destroys us and it’s awful to see so many people on social media being manipulative or ruining the lives of others for some RTs, some people just become full-time soapbox accounts and sic followers on any other trans person who raises a question.

Also on the topic of "legitimacy,” people on the whole don’t consider us legitimate as it is who gives a fuck if I’m uwu’in it. “What magic person are you trying to convince that will change our lives.”

Very often I get asked about how to build up a following on social media. On the one hand, it is flattering that some people think I have answers on the other hand, I hope it is quite clear that I am a passionate an amateur writer, not a marketeer.

To be very honest I very much dislike the manipulative and brainwashing nature of social media, but I love the aspect of being able to share with others across borders. That is pure magic for me.”

I enjoy sharing my work and ideas because it brings me genuine joy: “the more I get asked about strategies of building up my audience the more I understand that the only strategy is to love what you do and not to give a shit about social media rules.”

IMO, there’s a difference between seeking attention and being attention seeking.

On social media, we all tend to seek attention for what we post but I feel like being attention seeking is being manipulative or insincere in order to draw massive amounts of attention to yourself.

Everyone who is on social media should re-watch “The Social Dilemma,” social media is not necessarily a beneficial tool, used wrong it can be an addictive and manipulative technological drug.

The well-being of users is far more important than the profit of these big organisations.

